Friday, February 26, 2021

I will always love you Darren Jacobus Sax Cover

Friday, November 8, 2013

Tragedie tref Middelburg

Die tragedie wat Middelburg die afgelope maand getref het het op 'n manier Middelburg "in solidarity" bymekaar gebring.
Six people died.  From as young as 20 years and older.  Today I learnt that another person died as a result of the explosion at Rolfe Laboratories, bring the total deaths to 7.
ANOTHER FAMILY EXPERIENCE THE EXTREME PAIN - the lost of a loved one.  It forces us to realize that for everything under the sun there is a season - even for each one of us.
Our prayers are with the latest victims family and friends.  We pray that God will turn your tears into joy - die son sal weer skyn.
Can you please add a few words of encouragement.  We will remember our friends the way they were. Beautiful children of God.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Tea for Church member 65 and older
Our Church decided to have a Special gathering to show our gratitude to our predecessors for their contributions over many years.  Many of these members were founding members and put a lot of effort into building what we have today.

So, saying thank you does not really demonstrate our appreciation as much as the little things we do.  Sometimes our "actions speak so loud that people cannot hear what we say".  Our parents and brothers and sisters really appreciated this attempt of us.

When I saw the appreciation on their faces, the smiles, the shining eyes and happy atmosphere, I realized something very important!!!

If we can only do this every day of our lives.  People need to know and SEE that they are loved and appreciated.  When I say people, I refer to our families (husbands, wives, children, parents, brothers and sisters), our colleagues, our employees, our employers, our friends, our community leaders, the police, the nurses and doctors, our neighbours.  It looks like every single person that we meet on our journey through life.  These are the people that we spend most of our time with and we need to SHOW them that we appreciate them, the contributions they made and maybe still making.  They most definitely play an important role in our lives - we laugh with them, cry with them, pray with them, sing with them, work with them, live with them, plan important events with them, we support and encourage each other, they are most of the time just THERE when we need them.

Now, take another look at the people in your life.  They might not be there tomorrow - we therefore need to take up the task God asks us to do.  Love one another, be compassionate, kind, considerate, helpful, supportive, caring and appreciative today because tomorrow might not be ...

It is our calling as Christians and the reward is fulfilment, happiness, laughter and sommer net lekker.  You are the 'active agent" to bring change in the hearts and lives of the people around us.  We need to start by believing that God can use us to show people that He is a loving and caring God.

How do you feel about the people in your life?  When you look at them, what goes on in your heart and mind?  What do you think can we do to SHOW more appreciation?  Do people deserve it? 

My church help me to appreciate my family and friends - to have a new "outlook" and new endeavor to enjoy my life with them.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Can we claim it back?

I believe that I am a Christian who is serious about my relationship with God and people. My concern is that over the past few months I've become very frustrating and asked myself, CAN WE CLAIM OUR SOCIETY BACK?
My brother, a dedicated police officer apprehended four guys who broke into homes and an abattoir where they stole a lot of stuff, including meat. Everything was found in their possession. They were taken to the police station but they were released a few minutes later. They are putting the blame on an under aged youngster. Now they are laughing at my brother and even threaten him.
As a Christian what do I do if someone breaks into my house? If I call the police I know they won't go to prison. Do I keep quite or, as the bible states it "be still" so that the Lord can fight it for me or should I physically fight back? Can I protect my family and property by fighting them? Does it mean I do not believe in God anymore?
I do not own a gun but I am seriously considering buying one - but can I correct one wrong with another wrong? Is it wrong to want to kill someone who threatens the lives of your children, wife and family if the government cannot do it?
I live in a very small rural town which has changed into a gangster's paradise. Can we still claim back our quite, crime-free and close-knit community? If yes, how and where do we start?